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Do I have to pay for evaluations?

There are no fees involved on our evaluations for traders that are able to meet our minimum requirements; or for traders that get personally invited by us. However, traders that want to showcase themselves without getting a personal invite or meeting the minimum 3 year requirement; will be required to pay a very small fee. It costs us $5 - $10 per month in operation costs for each trader to take an evaluation depending on the selected broker. Traders that apply without being personally invited by us, or having their 3 years of trading data, are expected to cover these monthly costs. Depending on our current buisness needs; we sometimes might also require a PAMM deposit into one of our partnered regulated brokers. Traders do NOT send us any funds. It is placed into their own personal account under their name at our partnered broker. This deposit will utilize a copy trading system, copied from our top performing traders. By the end of your evaluation term, wether you fail or pass, the deposit + a portion of the profits it generated are returned by the broker to your custody. The profits generated from the deposit are meant to aid us in the generation of liquidity for funded accounts, pay for account managers (support), and recoup the monthly payment for the demo account(s) utilized; essentially covering the demo costs you initially paid, leaving you with a profit wether you fail the evaluation or pass as long as our funded traders perform.


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